"I don't like to discuss Works in Progress. If I let the words tumble out prematurely, it changes it, and I may never get it back."
--Barton Fink

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dreary Day 2: Cruise Control

Once again it's raining. I'll be able to break the day by going out and buying a few things. Errands, as it were.

I'm also finishing the first draft of my spec script today- right on schedule. It's not looking bad, but comedy is, well, subjective. What's funny to me may not be funny to James Urbanik and Doc Hammer. However, if I can clean it up, I just may have something. Clean, clean, clean...

My paycheck from the State was a litle larger than expected, due to the three paychecks in July instead of the usual two- meaning that health and dental deductions were skipped this time. Not a lot of money, but enough of a cushion to have a little fun. Or Taco Bell. Or, sometimes both.

Looking forward to seeing my friends tomorrow. Isolation isn't working for me, so any excuse to get out of the suburbs and connect with old friends is valuable.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

dreary day doldrums

It's raining out this morning. Which is good, as it takes away the task of watering the perenial garden today, but it increases my feeling of isolation. I've also noticed that I still cling a bit to some arrested development, though I'm not committed to it. For instance, I've been avoiding researching trade publications and industry information in regards to writing. I'm just working on spec script number 2 and will take the next step soon, perhaps in coming up with a third one.

But (the big "but") I've officially registered for the Robert McKee "Story" Seminar coming to St. Paul this fall. I'm excited about it, and I really feel that it's going to open things up for me; creatively, that is. I doubt I'll become wealthy and famous here. An auditorium full of wanna-be writers ain't going to make or break anyone or anything. However, I should get some business cards just for the sake of it.

Today, I plan to write a draft of Act 1 of my spec script. I've been waddling through the fleshed-out draft all this week, and still don't have a few specifics, so I'm going to forge ahead anyway.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Back in the Saddle

It's been awhile, but I've decided to start blogging again. I'm planning on redesigning my blogspot site and making it all very different. Glad that when I first deleted it Google saved it "just in case".

Looking at what lights me up lately, it sure ain't theatre. When asked about it, I've had to say on more than one occasion that I have a "love/hate relationship with theatre". Well, now we're separated and trying to live without one another. Plus I'm seeing someone else for the time being- the muse named "writing".

I haven't felt this fulfilled creatively in a long time. Amy pushed me to finish my first spec script to submit to the ABC Writing Program. I wasn't sure that I'd finish with a decent piece to mail to them, but with Amy's eye and great questions I redrafted and came up with a (I feel) competent 61 page spec script of "Dexter". I plan to go back, tweak it and get clarity on some elements in it's design, but overall I'm happy with where it's at in this stage of it's evolution.

Next up, a comedy script. Although I think "Dexter" is at heart a "dark comedy", I think I need something more blantantly comedic. I have a rough outline of something I've been marinating for awhile, so that will be spec script number two. More later on that one.