"I don't like to discuss Works in Progress. If I let the words tumble out prematurely, it changes it, and I may never get it back."
--Barton Fink

Friday, December 28, 2007

It's been a long time a-coming

I am a bad blogger. No news for a month and a half. Fie on me.

Holidays were good. The show is going well. Amy and I are recovering from nasty little colds. Cat is starting to settle down after his radioactive pill treatment. "Purple Rain" is on VH-1. Got a mini-grant to take another class series with Jon Ferguson. Vikings need a win and luck to make the playoffs. I need to touch base with friends, see, call write. That's important to me. Gotta return Bill'sbook that I borrowed months and months ago. I have a wierd abcess on my toe that won't go away. I need to start writing again- a screenplay. I got 3 overdrafts today- ugh- just didn't deposit the paycheck on time. It's been awhile since that's happened; what did I need $102 for anyway?

Oh, yeah, rent.

I hope you've enjoyed my bland, non-poetic stream of consciousness!