"I don't like to discuss Works in Progress. If I let the words tumble out prematurely, it changes it, and I may never get it back."
--Barton Fink

Thursday, April 30, 2009

New stuff

I'm starting a new "temp" gig. My friend John forwarded me an email from a friend who works at MinnesotaCare. The Imaging Unit there is looking for help for about a 9 month period. I applied, had a phone interview and then was offered the job the next day. Very cool, as it means more pay and no more train (with 1 hour commute to and fro). I'll be starting earlier in the day, but getting out at 4:00. Sounds good to me. All I'm doing is running, lately.

Yes, well, I don't know anymore. I think I'm losing my grip on stage acting. I have no perspective on when or what my next stage project will be. I'm not sure that I even care. My options are limited, and I don't really feel like persuing it. I'm more interested in making a few more dollars an hour, and daydreaming about a time when I take the old wooden phone booth in my folks garage, cleaning it out, hauling it to Minnesota and using it for my lucraive voice over career. Day dreams, mind you...

I'm not sure that my agent wants to use my demo that I paid hundreds of dollars for already. The first attempt yielded mediocre results, in her opinion. So I made the adjustments that she suggested, and emailed her the MP3 version last week. I haven't heard anything from her besides an audition notice that I couldn't do. I plan to submit it to other agencies, as I feel that she doesn't care for the voiceover person I worked with to make my demo (at least that's what he says). I fear that I've been caught in between a weird ego struggle, and it makes me very uncomfortable. I want no part of it, and am waiting to hear if this is indeed the case. I like my agency, but I feel very green when it comes to something new like voiceovers. I also feel pretty stupid.

Maybe this whole thing is just not my cup of tea anymore. The trouble is that if I give it up, who and what am I? Have I wasted my last 20 years?

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