"I don't like to discuss Works in Progress. If I let the words tumble out prematurely, it changes it, and I may never get it back."
--Barton Fink

Monday, September 6, 2010

Of Painting and Perverts

We spent the day painting inside. And we're exhausted. I had to get over my fear of heights, as I purchased a 4 foot step-ladder from Home Depot in order to get at the high entryway. Upon reflection, I think the real fear was losing balance and tumbling down the stairs, having no real gripping point. I got over being a baby about it, and covered the wall with "Basketry". Our townhome will kick some ass; one step at a time.

Writing "MechaWest" coming along, slowly but surely. The pilot has gone through it's second draft, but I'm not 100% happy with it. Trouble is that I'm not sure what's lacking right now. But I plan on sending it to someone who can tell me how bad it is in a few weeks That ought to show me that it's bad to have lofty dreams! Why can't I just get a job, hippie? I've been spending more time formulating the first season anyway, and making the first steps in consulting with a historian and a script reader. It makes it all the more real for me.

Fascinated by "To Catch a Predator". Those poor underage solicitors being exploited by Chris Hansen like that! It's a downright shame! Does he have to mention that they all send pictures of their junk over the net? There ought to be a law... 8-O

Not sure what's up for Labor Day. Hopefully, anything but... (labor)

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