"I don't like to discuss Works in Progress. If I let the words tumble out prematurely, it changes it, and I may never get it back."
--Barton Fink

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Freshest Kid in Town

The job is going well enough.  I've been at it a week and just learned how to add pre-approved exam questions for the Nursing Department.  A big weight off of my shoulders. 

It's nice to be relatively interactive with people again.  Despite not having the freedom to put on the headphones and zone out performing menial computer tasks, I like the faculty vibe.  Everyone so far has been very helpful with the variety of tasks that I've had to absorb this last week.  I'm sure that there's more to come, but I feel like I can tackle most everything handed out.

Next week, I have the Robert McKee Seminar.  It hasn't hit me yet, what with all the job and schedule changes, but I am excited to have four days devoted solely to writing.  I plan on looking again at Story to refamiliarize myself with content this weekend (apparently he loosely follows this book as a syllibus). 

I really want to have the energy to devote a bit more time to MechaWest.  I have the website, but no content.  I have the pilot, but no series.  I have the research, but no application.  It never seems like enough, even after a great day of writing and plotting.  When it happens, that is.  Seems like writers that I aspire to be like all have insomnia.  Never had it; probably never will.

In the immediate future, I'd like to:

1.  Get some renderings of Sadie and Maggie.
2.  (Continue to) plot out the series of 8 episodes
3.  Flesh out and outline episode 3 as a possible "pilot" (as it introduces my favorite character- Maggie).
4.  Get a good book on writing for television.

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