"I don't like to discuss Works in Progress. If I let the words tumble out prematurely, it changes it, and I may never get it back."
--Barton Fink

Sunday, August 10, 2008

almost there

4 down and 1 to go. I have to admit that last night's show (10 pm) was not my personal best. My contact came out of my eye for the second time during this run (right away as I ended the dream sequence dance). I managed to salvage it and pop it in, but the tech jumped the cue and didn't give Mark enough time to do his clowning bit. Needless to say I entered late for the first scene, coming out of the "wall" and into the oat box, apparently. Tonight I think I'll go sans contacts, just to be sure. The laptop worked well though (it's been screwing up latley and freezing the last 2 shows; Amy helped me remedy that).

Jason, the author was in town yesterday. I picked him up after I saw BOOM and An Inconvenient Squirrel. Nice shows, each in their own right.

I took Jason to Deviants. Very unique experience, and not what I expected from Live Action Set. He enjoyed it, and it was interesting to get his playwright perspective about a group that creates work from exercises and movements. Stark, very stark.

Went to the Fringe final afterparty. Saw a few folks I hadn't seen in awhile, including the Stitelers. Bill saw my show and gave it a good review last week. I wish we had more opportunities to connect instead of the once or twice a year dealio.

OK, off to townhome hunt!

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