"I don't like to discuss Works in Progress. If I let the words tumble out prematurely, it changes it, and I may never get it back."
--Barton Fink

Monday, December 19, 2011

Yanking my Yankee chain?

I sent a query to a UK distributor about a month ago.  The contact replied almost immediately and requested my pilot and "show bible".  Not wanting to scare her with an avalance of material, I sent the pilot and a synopsis.

She wanted even more.  She thanked me for the pilot, but again requested a show "bible" with any sketches I had.  So, I consulted with the artist I used previously for character designs and paid for a handful more.  A locomotive, a town sketch and a few more main characters.  I dotted my series concept with them, making it a bit more palatable and sent it off.

And just in time.  My contact emailed that she was leaving for vacation as of last Friday, but would be back in January.  She asked if we could "pick this up" when she got back. 

Amy and my internet friends at TVWriter.com seem optimistic at the progress, but I remain convinced that this is business as usual.  She's given me no words to the effect that she is overly impressed by my work.  Maybe the concept bible I sent her will help turn the tables in my favor, but I still fall back to the thought that my sci-fi western geared towards a 'tween audience may not be what a UK company would want to deal in.  Then again, sifting through 30 pages of concept is not something a busy professional in children's acquisitions would willingly participate in.

The advice now?  Send her a holiday card and get to work on something else.  Pronto. 

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